"I am here on Purpose"

"I am here on Purpose"

I recently took myself on a little solo date to the beach, and I brought my current read with me - The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer (big recommend btw). I was happily sipping on my Vietnamese iced coffee basking in the absolute beauty of the moment when a line I was reading brought me to tears, out of nowhere! 

I am here on purpose. 

Suddenly here I am, sitting cross legged on a rock, absolutely sobbing - but, like, in a good way? - and repeating to myself out loud over and over 'I am here on purpose.

I thought of all the times I doubted that I should be here having this human experience, and all the times that my experience almost ended. I thought of the challenges that had seemed insurmountable, and the beautiful moments of peace that had helped me persevere.

I have moments, exhausted from work and health issues, where I wonder 'Is this all there is?', but in that moment I was in awe of all there is. There is so much for us here, so many experiences still to have, places to visit, knowledge to discover. We are here to have a full human experience, and to do that intentionally makes that experience all the more impactful. The human experience is flawed, imperfect and messy - its confusing and sometimes overwhelming and sometimes it feels like we're trying to navigate a dark wood at night by the light of a single distant candle and getting hit in the face with every possible branch.

But sometimes we are still and peaceful, on a beach listening to waves rolling gently, marvelling at the stubborn little flowers that grow in seemingly impossible places, drinking the perfect coffee, reading the perfect words at the perfect time.


We are here on purpose.


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